Milan – 13 February 2023: In the prestigious context of the BIT, GIST (Gruppo Italiano Stampa Turistica, aka Italian Tourism Press Group) bestowed the Green Travel Award on Visit Estonia in the Best Green Destination Abroad category. The award, now in its eleventh edition, was established to highlight examples of sustainable and responsible tourism excellence.
The award was presented by Sabrina Talarico, President of GIST, and Diana de Marsanich, Head of the Green Travel Award Jury, and was collected by Rainer Aavik, Head of the Estonian Tourist Board/Visit Estonia, together with Kristiina Talisainen, B2B Marketing Manager at the Estonian Tourist Board/Visit Estonia, and Lucrezia Martinengo, co-owner of Martinengo Communication, Visit Estonia’s representative and communication office in Italy.
Rainer Aavik, Head of the Estonian Tourist Board/Visit Estonia, commented: “We are extremely happy that the Gist Green Travel Award jury saw Estonia as meeting all the requirements for winning this prestigious award.”
Furthermore, 2022 was a record year for the Visit Estonia web and content team. Website visits have increased by almost 100% compared to 2021!
Martinengo Communication has been Visit Estonia’s representative office in Italy since 2022. During the year, various actions were carried out in the Italian market aimed at promoting Estonia and its attractions. Confirming that the actions taken are bearing fruit, Rainer Aavik, Head of the Estonian Tourist Board/Visit Estonia, added: on my trip to come to Italy, during a period that should be the low season, I noticed with great pleasure that at least half the plane was occupied by Italian passengers. There is interest from Italians in Estonia, and this encourages us to always strive to do better.”